Tuesday, October 27, 2009
..Aidilfitri Celebration..
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
..ICT in Biology..
We were learned on how to use technology in teaching and learning process especially for Biology subject. After taking this subject, I'm realized that technology is very useful which it will make our life become more easy. Moreover, the process of teaching and learning process also become more attractive and easily to be understood. One of the example is simulation and modeling, which is very attractive and make the invisible visible.
However, the use of technology in our life also has its disadvantages. the most obvious disadvantage cause by the uses of technology is the highly cost needed. Then, the uses of technology also need a lot of practice and experience to be handle. The other disadvantages is the misuses of the technology, which a lot of people tend to use the technology for immoral activities.
However, nothing in this world is perfect. Everything have its own advantages and disadvantages. Although technology have some disadvantages, this didn't mean that we must refuse to accept and apply the uses the technology in our life, especially in teaching and learning process. As a human, we are given a brain. Hence, we can determine whether we want to use the technology for something good or bad.
Lastly, thanks to all of my friends, which always help me in order to finish our assignment, especially for ICT in Biology subject. Credits and special thanks to our lecturers and instructor for this subject:
- Prof Dr Sopia
- Miss Siti Shamsiah
- Mr Junaidi
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
..The Love of A Dad..
Assalamualaikum and very good evening everyone..I would like to share a touchy video, with all of you..this evening, after genetic lab..Stanley had shown this video to me..this video make us burst into tears..this is amazing how a dad would do for his son..so..appreciate our dad..
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Masalah & Cabaran Penggunaan ICT dalam Kurikulum Sekolah-sekolah di Malaysia
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
..my teaching philosophy..
Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people.
Although being a teacher is not my dream, i will try my best to be a great teacher for our next generation. A great teacher not only shown by their knowledge, but their ability to teach their students to succeed at future. Great teachers set high expectation for their students. They expect that all students can and will achieve in their classroom, and they don't give up on underachievers. They also believe that everyone has their own talent and no one is useless.
Great teacher also should has a strong bond with their students to show how much they are care about their students. Normally, most of adolescent didn't believe in adults includes their own parents. So, if teacher try to be close to their student and acts as their friends, students will has a close relationship with that teacher.
I hope, I can and will be the great teacher at future. I will try to make a great effort in order to archive my goal.
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
..History of UPSI..
The history of UPSI dates back to 1922 when the University was then known as the Sultan Idris Training College (SITC). It was set mooted by the then Deputy Director of Malay Schools, Sir R.O. Winstedt as a training college for Malay teachers. Named after the late Sultan Idris Murshidul Azam Shah, the 28th Sultan of Perak, the college was opened on 29 November 1922 by the Chief Secretary of the Federated Malay States, Sir George Maxwell.
The initial instructional regime required students to complete a three year course of training where traditional skills and arithmetic were taught. With the adoption of the Education Ordinance 1957 based on the recommendations of the 1956 Education Committee Report (better known as the Laporan Razak), the training course was extended to 5 years and new subjects were introduced. SITC also came to be officially known by its Malay name, Maktab Perguruan Sultan Idris ( Sultan Idris Teachers College) or MPSI.
In 1976, MPSI became co-educational with the admission of the first batch of 150 female students. In 1987, MPSI was upgraded and renamed Institut Perguruan Sultan Idris (Sultan Idris Teachers Institute) or IPSI and new courses were made available leading to a degree conferred by Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, today known as Universiti Putra Malaysia.
IPSI was upgraded to a full university bearing its current name on 1 May 1997 in line with the plans by Malaysia to increase the number of graduate teachers in both primary and secondary schools.
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
..National Science Educational Philosophy..
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..National Education Philospohy..
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
..Tahap Perkembangan Kognitif Remaja..
Menurut Keating, perkembangan kognitif berlaku pada otak dibahagian hadapan, tetapi serentak dengan perkembangan pada seluruh bahagaian otak manusia. Asas bagi perkembangan kognitif pada remaja adalah kewujudan keupayaan untuk berfikir secara abstrak yang mana yang mana pada waktu kecilnya, pemikiran mereka adalah lebig konkrit. Para remaja dapat mengembangkan keupayaan mereka untuk berfikir secara abstrak ketika mereka dibangku persekolahan dan kemudiannya, kebolehan ini akan diguna pakai dalam kehidupan seharian mereka.
Perkembangan kognitif bagi seseorang remaja boleh dirangsang melalui aktiviti-aktiviti social seperti proses interaksi sesama remaja atau dengan orang-orang yang lebih dewasa. Berpandukan kepada teori yang telah dikemukakan oleh Lev Vygotsky, proses pembelajaran juga merupakan suatu proses interaksi. Di sekolah, guru-guru sepatutnya sentiasa memperuntukkan sedikit masa kepada para pelajar untuk bercakap di dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Jadi, apabila proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sentiasa diselitkan dengan sesi interaksi dua hala antara pelajar dan guru, maka para pelajar bukan sahaja dapat meningkatkan kebolehan untuk berfikir dan meluahkan pebdapat masing-masing. Malahan, proses ini juga dapat membantu dan meningkatkan perkembangan kognitif pada remaja.
Menurut Lev Vygotsky lagi, dalam membantu perkembangan kognitif remaja, mereka perlu sentiasa berinteraksi berhubungan dengan rakan-rakan yang sama umur atau sebaya dengan mereka. Namun begitu, adalah lebih baik jika sesi perbincangan dan pembelajaran antara remaja tersebut turut dihadiri atau disertai oleh mana-mana orang dewasa terutamanya guru mahupun ibu bapa remaja tersebut. Ini bagi memantau setiap aktiviti atau perlakuan remaja, ini kerana kadang-kala tingkah-laku remaja adalah tidak dapat diduga. Namun begitu, ibu bapa mahupun guru perlu memberikan sedikit ruang kepada para remaja untuk berbincang dan meluahkan segala pendapat mereka secara lebih terbuka dan bebas tanpa sebarang halangan atau sekatan. Beliau turut menyarankan agar, pada peringkat sekolah para pelajar diberikan sedikit waktu dalam masa pembelajaran. Ini bertujuan agar para pelajar mempunyai masa untuk berbual dan berinteraksi dengan teman-teman mereka. Dengan ini, kognitif mereka akan dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik dan seterusnya membantu dalam proses pembelajaran mereka.
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
..Our First Field Trip..

..Aisyah & me ~ with our mentee.
..Natasha, Faqihah, Zharif, Hazim, Farhan & Amirul with Cik Mai ~ and their hamper..
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
..Video of Mitosis..
..Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera..
..this is one of the interesting video about stage of mitosis..
..hopefully we can get some information from this video...
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
..Me Myself..
Lot 821 Batu 2,
Jalan Pengkalan Chepa,
15400 Kota Bharu,
Date of birth : 29 October 1989
Gender : Female
Place of birth : Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Marital status : Single
Age : 20 years
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Malay
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments
..Educational Background..
- Highest Education Level
Bachelor's Degree with Honors
Field of Study : Education (Science)
Major : Biology
Minor : Chemistry
Institute / University : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Located In : Tg. Malim, Perak, Malaysia
Session : 2008/2012
- Second Highest Education
Level Field of Study : Science
Major : Biology
Institute / University : Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang
Located In : Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Session : 2007/2008
- Secondary School
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
Field of Study : Science Stream
Institute / University : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ismail Petra
Located In : Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Session : 2005/2006
Result : 4A 6B
- Secondary School
Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR)
Institute / University : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ismail Petra
Located In : Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Session : 2002/2004
Result : 8A
- Primary School
Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah
Institute / University : Sekolah Kebangsaan Islah
Located In : Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Session : 1996/2001
Result : 5A
Posted by ..Nor Fatihah.. 0 comments